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The Collaboration Connection

Michelle Egret and Blackbird (05.08.22).jpg

We connect individuals, communities, organizations, coalitions, government, businesses, and non-profits so they can work together and transition to a sustainable, resilient, equitable, and inclusive economy and society. 


This website began as a portal of information to support climate action and just transition in the Sacramento Valley Region of California, but you will find  an abundance of local, state, national, and global resources here to help anyone, anywhere, no matter who you are or what you do, engage in climate action and a just transition.

The curated links on this website provide information that individuals, businesses, non-profits, local governments, and communities can use to take small steps or big ones to advance climate action and a just transition. They are categorized by economic and social sector as well as by issue, and include sources of funding and technical support.  Looking for data?  Start here.


If you are an advocate or activist, a researcher, public or private sector staff, a community organizer, a business-owner, a student, or someone who just wants to make a difference, this website is for YOU!




Send us information about organizations, events, and links to technical and financial resources for climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental justice, and community building. 


Organizing a website is much like organizing a kitchen - we all do it it differently.   We've tried to make the categories here straightforward and the links easy to follow.  Let us know about any glitches you encounater and send us your recommendations for making this website more navigable and user-friendly.




This website is intended to serve individuals, organizations, businesses, and government in California and elsewhere by providing information, resources, and connections that facilitate collaboration and climate action. We can accelerate the transition to a sustainable, resilient, and just society by sharing best practices, technical support, funding resources, and innovative ideas. Please help make this a dynamic portal for mobilizing climate action and a just transition. Click on Contact Us to send a message.


The free photo website Unsplash and its contributors are the source of most photographs you see on this website.  If you click on a photo, it will take you to the page of the talented photographer who created the image.

© 2020 by Suzanne Reed. The Collaboration Connection is proudly created with

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